Healthywage Reviews

Name: HealthywageHealthywage Reviews

Price: Free
Type: Affiliate Programs
Overall Rank: 9 out of 10

Healthywage vs Healthy Wager

Healthywage has two ways to make money. The affiliate program is one. Participating in the weight loss program is the other.

Healthywage is the name of the company. You make money with the affiliate program by promoting the actual company. This is something that would appeal to entrepreneurs.

Healthy Wager (with an R) is the name of the weight loss incentive program that Healthywage owns. This would appeal to people who want to get paid to lose weight.

This review is for the Healthywage affiliate program, which would appeal to entrepreneurs. You do not have to participate in the weight loss incentive program to make money with this.

We have a separate review for the Healthywage Challenge, which is for people who want to lose weight.


What is Healthywage?

Healthywage is a company that hosts a weight loss incentive program.
The concept is very simple.

Studies show that many people do better when they have a financial incentive to lose weight. Healthywage allows people to place a bet on how much weight they will lose within a specified period.


What I Like about Healthywage:

1. Unlike network marketing, you don’t have to be in it to win it

You have to be a member of Healthywage to use the referral program. The affiliate program, on the other hand, works independently of the services.

You can use the affiliate program even if you’re not trying to lose weight, which is great because not everyone wants or needs to lose weight. If you can get approved by Share a Sale and Healthywage, you’re good to start making money from this unique service.

2. It’s the perfect merger of 2 BILLION-dollar industries

I was excited when I heard about HealthyWage because I could see the potential to make substantial income right away.

“Making money” has become a billion-dollar industry online, but it usually involves some kind of selling or recruiting, which most people are bad at and not willing to learn. Fitness has always been a powerhouse for making money.

Putting them together is genius. Not having to take any risks to promote is even better.

If you sign up for the affiliate program and follow their instructions, this can be a very lucrative side hustle.


What I Didn’t Like about Healthywage:

1. Third party affiliate tracking

ShareASale affiliate trackingI didn’t like the fact that they use a 3rd party company to track affiliate sales. That company is called Share-a-Sale.

Share-a-Sale takes longer to get started with than many people are used to. That’s a good thing in some ways, though.

You enroll by filling out two forms. The first is an application for Share a Sale. Once you’re accepted by ShareAsale, you do a search to Healthywage on their site. Then you fill out another application to apply for Healthywage.

Basically, you have to get accepted twice. That can drag the process out longer than most people would like, but on the positive side, once you’re accepted, you can start promoting Healthywage and any other affiliate program that Share a Sale hosts, which numbers in the thousands.

Side note: This really isn’t that big of a deal, but I can be impatient sometimes, so it seemed like it took forever to get an answer when in reality it was only 2 days. It only seemed like a long time because I’ve gotten used to getting started right away with most affiliate programs.

2. No commissions on certain sales

You only get paid for the original HealthyWager sign up. If anyone you refer participates in any of the HealthyWage Challenges other than the Team Challenge, you don’t get a commission for those transactions.


Who is Healthywage For?

  • People who want to make money online
  • People in the money-making genre who want to make money in fitness too.
  • Affiliates who already have a account
  • Anyone who already has a fitness site or wants to start one
  • People who know people who want to lose weight


Healthywage Products and Services

A separate review was written for the products and services to avoid confusion.


Healthywage Tools & Training

Healthywage does have training tips on sign up page that involve how to promote using social media and testimonials.

Here is part of the email that I was sent when I was accepted into the affiliate program:

1) HealthyWage challenges sell best when they’re promoted with supporting science, statistics and success stories. It’s a content-driven product. As such, banner ads do not perform very well as a sales tool and are not provided nor allowed in our program.

2) You can find specific information, suggestions, and links to content you can use in our affiliate hub here.

There were a few examples of content-driven articles, social media posts, and videos from top performers on the page.

Your own testimonial carries a lot more weight than anybody else’s, though, so if you need to lose a few pounds, I’d recommend you not only promote it, but use it too. Be sure to read the HealthyWager review if you’re going to do that.


Healthywage Support

Support is handled by ShareASale via support ticket, phone, and email.


Healthywage Compensation Plan

MoneyYou earn $50 for each personal HealthyWager sign up.

You earn $30 for each Team Challenge participant. If a team has 10 members, you’d get $300 for that sign up.

Minimum payouts are $50.

Sales are tracked with cookies. Cookies are good for 30 days.


My Final Opinion of Healthywage

Promoting this company is a no-brainer. It doesn’t take much of an extra effort and it appeals to anyone who’s in the process of losing weight or thinking about losing weight.

Not only do you make money for yourself, by telling people about this contest, you might be giving them the only thing needed to finally get up and take some action.

I had been planning to lose weight for 4 years, but I was always too preoccupied with making money to take action. Healthywage allowed me to align my money-making goals with my fitness goals and I finally took the first step towards losing weight.

My blood pressure was dangerously high at the time, so whether I win or lose, they might have saved my life with this service (I have every intention of winning though).

Be the life saver for someone else and put some cash in your pocket while you’re at it.

FINAL RATING: 9 out of 10

Click here for my #1 Recommendation

Click here to visit Healthy Wage. Scroll to the bottom and click “Affiliates.”

Did you enjoy this review? Are you already an affiliate of Healthy Wage or thinking about promoting it? I like to hear from my readers. Use the Comments field below to tell me what you think, and if you got any value from this review, please Share it.