World Ventures Travel Club Review

Name: World VenturesWorld Ventures Travel Club Review
Price: Initial fee: $129.98 – $399.98 plus a monthly fee: $29.99 – $99.99
Type: Network Marketing
Overall Rank: 8 out of 10


What is World Ventures?

Started in 2005, the World Ventures Travel Club is a travel club that is best known for its use of an MLM system to promote its business.

You pay an enrollment fee and a monthly fee to get discounts on vacation packages, rental cars, plane fare, dining, and other things related to travel and vacationing.

People who want to make money van choose to pay an additional monthly fee to register as a sales affiliate. From there, you can make money by signing new customers and by developing a sales team of recruits like you.


What I Liked about World Ventures

1. There’s a membership fee, but it stays with you

This blew my mind. It was new to me. I’ve never heard of a company doing this before.

World Ventures has a membership fee just like every other network marketing company. The price of the fee depends on the travel package you choose. Typical MLM stuff.

What isn’t typical is that they return all the money that you’ve spent on your membership fee back to you in the form of a credit that you can apply to a dream vacation after 12 months. I’ve seen other companies do that in limited amounts, but never all of it for a whole year.

As I explained earlier, World Ventures has 3 membership levels. Let’s say you’re in at the highest level, which is $100 per month. That would mean you’d have $1200 saved for your vacation after a year. It can be applied towards flight tickets, hotel fees, cruise fares, anything. It’s almost like having a vacation savings account.


2. The business is built around rest and relaxation

Rest and relaxation vacationI like the fact that WV is built around rest and relaxation. That doesn’t mean you won’t have to work hard to make money with it, but to use the products is to pamper yourself with rest.

That’s something that people tend to neglect in this day and age.
I’m guilty of it myself.


3. A product that everyone uses

In keeping with the theme of living a fun lifestyle, World Ventures gets you discounts on fun activities like dining out, which brings up the opportunity to use the Flye card to strike up a conversation about the business.

All of this is theoretical though. Regardless of whether the Flye card becomes a great lead generator, it still helps organize your credit cards. I’ll tell you how when we get to the products.


What I Didn’t Like about World Ventures:

1. It takes to long to see a profit

If I wanted to nitpick, I could complain that it takes a little longer to break even on the membership fee than I would like.

Ideally, you want to break even within 2 sales to wipe out that monthly fee in a hurry. The faster you and your team can start seeing a profit, the less likely you (or they) are to quit.

Attrition is a major problem with MLM. High payouts are a major solution.

2. The commission plan is hard to understand

World Ventures has so many angles to their commission plan that I’m not even going to attempt to explain it. Instead, I’ll just link to it.

Here’s the WorldVentures commission plan for your viewing enjoyment.

I also heard that you don’t start making money until you’ve recruited 30 salespeople and/or customers below you. I’m not so sure I believe that one or why would anyone do it? They probably meant you don’t earn a decent income until it reaches that high, which is almost just as bad.

3. A little bad publicity goes a long way… too long!

World Ventures had a lawsuit filed against them in Cape Town, Africa. In fact, it’s banned there, labeled an illegal pyramid scheme.

It’s not illegal at all, but it’s an uphill battle trying to convince people something’s legit after it’s been branded like that.


Who is World Ventures For?

World Ventures would be a good fit for any of the following:

  • Travelers
  • People who eat out frequently
  • People who know people who travel a lot
  • People who like network marketing


World Ventures Products and Services

The Flye Card

The Flye Card by WorldVenturesThey have a system that takes into account that not everyone is an expert marketer or willing to become one. They have a product called the Flye Card that does a great job of opening doors for conversation, and that conversation revolves around the business.

You know what a smart phone is, right? The Flye card is a smart credit card that allows you to load the information for several credit cards onto one card.

See the image to the right? That section that says VISA is actually a touch screen.

You can load all your credit cards onto the Flye card and swipe until you get to the one that you want to use, all while that little green light is blinking in the background.

Great for organization and starting conversations, but beware. There is a fee to use it.

Personally, I don’t use credit cards unless it’s to invest in something that will make me more money than I lose in interest so I wouldn’t bother with it, but it would be perfect for people who use various credit cards


Dream Trips is the side of the business that deals with the main product, traveling. This is where you go to book your trips, plan trips, and log into your marketplace.


The Dream Trips Market Place is a place to shop. You can use your own money or use credits.


World Ventures Tools & Training

You’ll get plenty of training within World Ventures, but the best training usually comes from the group that you join in.

The person who was trying to recruit me, for example, had a totally separate Facebook group set up and did all the training from there.

There were regular posts informing people of new tips, updates, strategies, etc.


World Ventures Support

Phone supportThis is another place where WV could use some improvement.

Support is only available Monday – Friday from 9:30AM-6PM EST by phone. That can be a headache when you need to talk to a real human being in a hurry. The phone number is

A contact form is available at any time, but keep in mind that no one will answer unless it’s between those hours on those days.

I think a business whose primary customers are working class people should be available on weekends when those people are off work and more likely to need service.


World Ventures Price

What you get with a Basic membership

$129.98 initial fee + $29.99 per month.

  • Access to 5000+ Dream Trips


What you get with a Gold membership

$254.98 initial fee + $54.99 per month

  • All Basic benefits
  • 24/7 concierge
  • Dining discounts
  • Entertainment discounts
  • DreamTrips online shopping
  • DreamTrips rewards
  • Eligible for the Flye card


What you get with a Platinum membership

$399.98 initial fee + $99.99 per month

  • Everything from the first 2
  • Telemedicine
  • Roadside assistance
  • Emergency evacuation – (might actually come in handy these days)


My Final Opinion of World Ventures

World Ventures is a solid business opportunity. The Flye card blew my mind the first time I saw it and it had me ready to sign up.

I thought it over and decided against it, but I think it would still be a great conversation starter for people who have trouble pitching the company to people they don’t know.

World Ventures gets my thumb of approval. It’s legit.

FINAL RATING: 8 out of 10

Important Side Note:

You’re a smart person.

I’m sure you’re wondering why I am not promoting Word Ventures even after I was willing to give it 8 out of 10 and spok so highly of it.

That would be because of another business.

It’s a business that I gave a perfect rating to.

It’s called Wealthy Affiliate.

It is the one and only business to ever earn a perfect rating on this site because it’s the one and only business that I couldn’t think of anything negative to say about.

Both are great opportunities in their own way, but Wealthy Affiliate has features and a system that will appeal to more people than any system I’ve seen used by a Word Ventures group.

Plus Wealthy Affiliate has an option to try it for free. Even if you’re a paid member, it only takes 2 people to break even. It takes 4 with World Ventures.

We also have to take into consideration that if you’re busy building a business, you might not have time for the fun filled product line of WV.

Any truthful entrepreneur will tell you fun is one of the first things you sacrifice when you’re building a business. Let’s be honest here. You’ll be working a lot, especially in the beginning. You might not get to enjoy those tax-deductable business trips until farther down the line.

Finally, if you join World Ventures, your prospects will want to research it before joining. WV had a lawsuit filed against it in Cape Town, Africa.

It has a mediocre BBB rating of only 3.5 in the USA.

Good luck convincing people to join after they find out about that stuff.

A better route to go would be my #1 Recommendation.